Al-Hamdani Mocha Coffee
Alhamdani Mocha company for producing & exporting Yemeni mocha coffee is pleased to introduce itself as the greatest and the oldest producer and exporter of the Yemeni coffee “Mocha”. We have a wide experience at this filed for more than 130 years…
Our Vision
Defining the Yemeni coffee till invades all international markets and return the glory and the history of Yemeni mocha coffee…
Our Mission
Together, we work to provide high-quality coffee product in a modern and healthy agricultural environment, relying on outstanding human resources and…

Why Choose Us?
Our current branch located at Boa’an – Bani Matar – was selected as the head office of our company because this place (Bani Matar) is the place where the Matari coffee, which is the best quality coffee.

More than 130 years in this field.
We are the most Leading company in our field, our experience more than 130 years.

Quality And Reliability
It has got an strategic site in the reputed regions of planting coffee from ancient time.

Clean Working
Our Company is considered as one of the establishers of Yemen Mocha Coffee Association.

Expert Farmer
We are the main supporter for Yemeni coffee farmers in all Yemen regions.
Yemen Mocha Coffee & Items of Yemeni Coffee
Yemen is reputed from ancient time by planting Mocha coffee, which is the best type of coffee in the world. Yemen is the original place for coffee and the Yemeni person is the first one who planted this crop and let it be the first drink it in the world.
Many foreign companies exploiting such name (Mocha Coffee) for promoting their Non-Yemeni coffee products.
World defines the Yemen coffee by MOCHA COFFEE and others call the Yemen coffee the (ARABS COFFEE) and it is the best quality of coffee.
There are many names for coffee related to the planting place such as Matari Coffee, Hamadi Coffee, Haiymi Coffee, Bura’ee Coffee, Harazi Coffee, and Odaini Coffee.

Supporting & Training Farmers
Alhamdani Mocha company for producing & exporting Yemeni mocha coffee is the main supporter for Yemeni coffee farmers in all Yemen regions.
The company provides with annual financial credits to coffee farmers and providing awareness for coffee farmers to help them harvesting and droughting the coffee with the best way which maintains product’s quality and getting specialty coffee. The coffee will be collected from all coffee planting areas in Yemen by a net of agents in those areas in addition to our local branches.

Also Hamdani Co. Encouraging farmers and educate them on the right healthy agricultural methods which raise quality, increase production, raise the national economy, revive the economy and compete with international markets.
Our company is considered as one of the establishers of ‘’Yemen Mocha Coffee Association’’. Which has been newly founded in the beginning of the year 2007.
This association deals with encouraging and supporting coffee farmers in all the areas of the republic. It maintains the quality and reputation of the Yemeni mocha coffee against other foreign companies exploiting the name of “Mocha” for marketing their non -Yemen products which have not any relations to the Yemeni coffee.

Our Main Activities
Our Company is proud to present the real Yemen Mocha Coffee to enable the World to know the special advantages of the Yemen Mocha coffee than Other Coffee.
Harvesting of coffee in Yemenis prevailing in traditional methods. Farmers often harvest the crop in stages whereas the crop is harvested in a way that permits keeping its good quality and competition.

Training The Farmers

Growing & Harvesting Coffee

Drying The Coffee Beens

Removing Peels

Packing The Products